Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Google AdSense Tutorial - What Size Is The Best For My Ads?

Is it better to choose small, unobtrusive ads, or should you get them as big as you can? This Google AdSense tutorial will give you an idea about what will perform better on your site.

Q: I want to place an advert inside the content. What size should I pick?

A: Normally, the biggest ad formats will perform best inside text. If there's enough room for it, pick the large rectangle, and wrap the text around it.

If you have a really large block set aside for text, you might even get nice results by adding two AdSense units of 200 x 200.

Q: Is the same answer valid for the menu? Should I add a 200 x 200 ad unit here?

A: As always, it's important to blend in your ads with your content, and in the menu you probably have links and not text.

The best choice here is to place a link unit. If your links are presented in a vertical format, choose the vertical link unit. Pick the largest possible, which will fit inside your menu.

If you have a horizontal link menu, go with the horizontal link unit as well, and as large as possible. Sometimes, you can even get great results with a large leader board here instead of a link unit.

Q: I used to have banner ads on my site. Couldn't I just replace them with the 468 x 60 unit?

A: No. It would probably be your worst choice. I have personally made some income with the 468 x 60 text unit, but that was back when it was allowed to have pictured positioned near the ad, without separating them with a significant border.

However, since people associate the 468 x 60 format with banners, and since most people are banner blind, I wouldn't recommend that you use it. You're not likely to receive many clicks on it.

Remember always to consult the AdSense policies, before you place your ads. It will tell you things like how many units, you're allowed to have on your site, and what kind of units, you can have, whether or not you can add pictures near your ads, etc.

Q: Should I add as many adverts as I'm allowed to?

A: No, not necessarily. People have reported to get better results by using only one or two units, instead of taking advantage of the full amount.

Nevertheless, you shouldn't take this as a definite answer. Test it on your site. What works on one site, doesn't necessarily work on another. Testing and tweaking are always better than to learn from second-hand knowledge.

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Getting More Traffic To Your Site Can Be Achieved By Utilizing Social Networks

Something I am certain you are aware of is the fact that social network sites is becoming increasingly more popular each and every year mainly because it is a simple way to connect with folks. A lot of individuals do not understand that there are social networks now that talk about a particular niche topic. For those social sites who don't have a certain niche topic you will discover that there are different groups inside the site that will have common interests. Many individuals do not recognize at this stage, that social networks can be an excellent advertising and marketing tool for those of you who promote particular products.

The most popular social media sites are Facebook and Twitter, but there's a lot of others you can choose from. One more thing you might not be aware of is that these two social networks continue to grow each day. There are sites like Orkut or Adult Friend Finder, that are smaller social network sites sites, or Ravelry or Library Thing, that are niche targeted. With face book and twitter being quite popular, loads of men and women do not understand the importance of using other social networks, but because they're niche targeted you will find that connecting with other people with the same interests is not hard. They are really just a big community of individuals who have come from around the world to connect with each other. There's a lot of steps you can take, such as share videos, photos or chat with individuals anywhere in the world, you are able to build new friendships, or find individuals you have lost touch with through the years.

When you join one of these types of sites there is a profile section where you are able to upload photos, videos and explain to individuals your interests. For those who have the same interests as other people, you're going to discover that people will request to friend you so you are able to begin having conversations with these other people. One of the initial purposes of the production of social network sites was to make it easy for people to stay in contact with those people that they know, even if there on another part of the earth. What makes social networking great for Online Marketers is how they're able to find a targeted audience for their products and services.

I know that there are plenty of you right now who can realize how powerful this can be with regards to building a targeted business for your Internet Advertising ventures. You need to also realize the you could end up making business contacts quite easily by making sure your profile is filled out correctly. For example, should you have a web site that is selling widgets, you can leave a link to this site in your profile and tell folks that you're selling widgets. One more thing you're going to find is that many individuals will end up starting their own groups and simply because it is your group individuals may end up purchasing things right from you.

There are lots of reasons why social networks is actually a tremendous way to meet people because you can build business relationships, or find individuals who share the same hobby. The popularity of social network sites is why you ought to be using it to build your business and out of all of the new marketing and advertising tools available online today, social marketing and advertising is the fastest growing. There's limitless potential with regard to discovering new clients around the globe.

How Social Networking For Business Came to Be   Making Social and E-Mail Calls to Action More Effective   Social Networking - A Beginners Guide to LinkedIn   Making Efficient Use of Your Social Media Campaign - A Debut Into Social Media Marketing   Top Reasons to Engage on Twitter   How Are You Leveraging Your LinkedIn Groups to Build Your Empire?   

Networking With An Open Mind

Networking. We all do it, but many of us want to do it on our own terms. But at what point does networking on one person's terms begin to limit the potential to grow that network? Is your business goal to grow your network, retain the network you currently have, or would you like to achieve both? Do you find yourself dreading the unknown of business networking with people you've never spoken with? Does the idea of competition and ladder-climbing prevent you from branching out in your own community? If you find yourself saying yes, here are some pointers for overcoming the mindset of networking phobia.

Networking isn't a competitive sport. Rethink your approach.

Yes, competitive business owners exist. You may even be one of them. We all want to come out on top, but that is not the point of networking. A network is literally an extension of business affiliates, friends, acquaintances, and other people you introduce to your business. Being warm, friendly, inquisitive and proud of your brand will give those network affiliates a chance to develop trust in your brand, and in turn give them a reason to promote your brand as a trustworthy brand.

Don't limit your brand when it comes to meeting and connecting with new business affiliates. Even extending a friendly hand to the competition can show a confidence and friendliness that will create an atmosphere of respect. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to share all of your proprietary secrets. This brings us to our next point.

Networking doesn't require excessive sharing of business strategies!

Many business owners fear networking with new faces because of the worry that they'll be pressured into sharing proprietary secrets, or that their business strategies will leak out in relaxed conversation. This is an understandable concern for businesses with effective, unique strategies or production approaches. However, going into the networking conversation focused on introducing your brand to other businesses will help you stay in a mindset of finding out more about other brands, while presenting the "end result" of your brand (product, service, etc.) as the key point in conversation when discussing business. It's also completely acceptable to politely explain to networkers that you don't disclose proprietary secrets.

New people in your network means new opportunities to meet more customers.

Social media is the perfect way to extend your business network, explore the other businesses in your area, and create a network that supports, refers and helps to cross-promote one another in a friendly, upbeat environment. With over 80 percent of businesses putting their faith in social media as a positive addition to business networking, jumping on board and connecting with businesses and customers gives your business a chance to share your voice, product and extend support to others who will, in turn, support you. This resource in conjunction with real world networking will enhance the way your brand is seen and give your brand a significant boost in the market.

The more you network, the more you can manage your reputation.

Putting your brand name in the spotlight gives your brand the upper hand in brand management. The more your brand networks, the more you cover ground in establishing official brand presence across multiple networks. This gives you complete control of your brand and allows you to better survey brand mentions and reviews. Who wouldn't welcome that degree of control?

Networking can be overwhelming and uncertain for many business owners, but it is a necessity when it comes to creating a marketing strategy that encourages and fosters growth and brand visibility. Create that reach and watch your network blossom and thrive!

How Social Networking For Business Came to Be   Making Social and E-Mail Calls to Action More Effective   Social Networking - A Beginners Guide to LinkedIn   Making Efficient Use of Your Social Media Campaign - A Debut Into Social Media Marketing   Top Reasons to Engage on Twitter   

Developing a Business Using Social Networks

Developing a business using online social networks is a low tech yet highly effective strategy that does however require a bit of your time! It is important to realize these social communities are not meant to be marketing platforms but with the proper approach they offer much potential! Marketers must accept that patience needs to be applied to make the best out of what can be a very effective strategy for internet business growth!

By putting 'people' and NOT selling first, here's 3 ways 'nurturing' relationships at these social communities can help boost your sales!

Making 'Friends' Take Time

Considering that the best foundation for increasing sales is by building relationships it only makes sense to follow this advise using online social networks! Making friends first will only serve to help you build trust with others so when you do promote, people will be more receptive! Of course meeting new people and gaining their trust takes time so commit to this process and you'll find what an effective strategy it is for business building!

'Small' Talk Matters

Although your motives are to make money working social communities on the internet, do NOT expect instant gratification! Even the most 'trivial' exchange can lead to expanding your network of new 'friends' so be patient! These people are folks you need to make feel more comfortable with you and this does not always require serious conversations or exchanging deep thoughts! Small talk is typically what people engage in to explore if whether there is any common ground upon which a relationship can be built! As a marketer you MUST respect this process when cultivating friendships at any of these communities or you'll find this will not be a very effective strategy for your marketing purposes!

Allow For Follow-Up

Developing interpersonal relationships involves the occasional need for follow-up! This displays your sincerity and genuine interest thus giving any relationship deeper roots! Once again you'll need to exercise patience since the process can take time however when done properly you'll realize why it is such an effective strategy to use! You are basically increasing your exposure, building credibility and eventually reaping the benefits in the form of more traffic and thus sales growth for your business!

Developing a business through the use of online social networks requires placing the emphasis on relationship building! Since these social communities are not primarily intended for business purposes marketers must resist the urge to 'blitz' the site with promotional content! To make this approach a more effective strategy the 3 suggestions above serve to help businesses first establish trust with site members! Only in this way can any marketer expect to experience success working within many of the freely available social communities found online!

How Social Networking For Business Came to Be   Making Social and E-Mail Calls to Action More Effective   Social Networking - A Beginners Guide to LinkedIn   Making Efficient Use of Your Social Media Campaign - A Debut Into Social Media Marketing   

Does It Pay to Be LinkedIn?

Have you ever been on LinkedIn? What has been your experience? I noticed when I first started with the website, I was often unsure how I was to use the software. How was this going to work to build my business? How much time was it going to take me? All these and many more questions would stumble through my head. I will be a LinkedIn member for a couple years before I would find the answers to these questions.

I started on LinkedIn at the behest of my mentor, a prominent best selling author and multiple streams of income coach. The bigger your list, the better you would build your business he would tell us. I still didn't see the point. I was trying desperately to find my purpose in life, my why. I was trying different MLM opportunities. I was taking any jobs I could to make ends meet while I tried to discover my why. I wondered why this seemed so easy for others. What I found out later was that I suffered from complex PTSD and one of its symptoms was the inability to plan for the future or know if there was a future for the patient. Hmm, that made sense.

As I struggled with coping with this invisible disease and the medical issues that accompanied it, it became very clear. I was put on this earth to suffer through my trauma's, learn to deal with them and then help others in similar situations. I started a book, I met regularly with my therapist, I learned. I learned all I could about my condition. I logged how it was affecting me in love, life and business. I suffered, I begged for help and an ending to the torture, I lived. It was through this living that finally helped me to understand the importance of LinkedIn and how it fits into my life.

As I have grown to love it and use it more frequently, I realize how important a tool it can be. Take for example, the number of people you could reach. If you are linked to high quality individuals who have a large number of followers, you open yourself to their lists and their lists' lists. Within my first 5 connections my reach was close to 1 million people... just from 5 connections. More importantly, these connections were active, high quality and credible individuals. As I started thinking about my book, the deadlines I had set for myself and the amount of research needing to be done, it became even more clear.

How many mental health professionals are on LinkedIn?

I could connect with these individuals for a variety of purposes in my journey to mental wellness. These professionals often have websites, blogs and resources that include valuable free information for you to better inform yourself. Often they were connected to Twitter, Facebook or any number of social networks where you could learn more information and share information, as well. And connections- connecting to mental health professionals when you yourself are 'mental' helps you to realize that there are people out there who are kind, empathetic and passionate toward those of us who have been treated so brutally in the past. Yes, LinkedIn may have saved my life, my ability to do business and my restored my faith in humankind. What could LinkedIn do for you?

How Social Networking For Business Came to Be   Making Social and E-Mail Calls to Action More Effective   Social Networking - A Beginners Guide to LinkedIn   Making Efficient Use of Your Social Media Campaign - A Debut Into Social Media Marketing   

How to Protect Your Home's Foundation

It doesn't matter how expensive or fancy your home is; if it doesn't have a solid foundation, it can easily be ruined. Unfortunately, foundation repairs can often become very expensive in just a short amount of time, even for the most minor of problems that can occur. For this reason, it is essential for you, as a homeowner, to do everything you can to protect your home's foundation from becoming damaged.

The following are eight ways you can keep your foundation from costing you a ton of money in repairs.

Protecting Your Foundation

Inspect Your Home's Perimeter- Every month or so, take a walk around your home and look closely at your home's foundation. Keep an eye out for breakages and cracking. Also look at your brick, vinyl, siding, wood, and any other exterior coverings on your home are positioned at least six inches above where the foundation is located on your home. A lot of times, debris and dirt can reduce this clearance, allowing moisture to enter the top of the foundation. If this is the case, do your best to remove as much debris as possible from this area. Check the Sloping of Your Ground- The ground around your home should slope away from the foundation to allow water to flow away from the house instead of toward it. Look for Pools of Water- After a rainstorm, check for any pools of water that might have built up around your foundation. If your area has been dry for a while and no rain is expected in the near future, use a garden hose to spray various point around your house. If any pools do occur, scoop out the water and fill the holes with dirt to prevent it from happening again. Check for Changes to Your Property- You'd be surprised what can affect the drainage on your property. It can be changed by your neighbour's new landscaping, changes to your area's sewer system, or even by the phone company digging up an old underground cable near your home. Keep an eye out for changes and take steps to counter these issues. Clean Your Gutters- You should take the time, at least two times each year to thoroughly clean and inspect your gutters. Remove the leaves and debris that may have accumulated, check for cracks and holes, and make sure all of the fasteners and fixings are in place and aren't rusted. Then, use your garden hose to check the gutters and see if they are correctly pitched. Check Your Downspouts- Your downspouts are just as important as your gutters, and should be inspected at the same time. Check for leaks, missing industrial fasteners, and make sure they are properly directing water away from your home's foundation. Keep an Eye on Your Foliage- While that climbing vine may look beautiful on the outside of your home, this type of foliage tends to reduce the amount of air flow around your foundation. Your foliage can also trap excess moisture against your house, which is not good for your foundation. Water Your Foundation- While water can sometimes be your foundation's enemy, too little moisture can be as well. It can cause the foundation's spoil to dry up and shrink, resulting in cracks in the foundation. If your area hasn't had a lot of moisture recently, use your garden hose to water down your foundation every once in a while.

Protecting your foundation involves preventing excess moisture and dryness, ensuring your gutters and downspouts have no holes, contain the correct bolt fasteners, and are pitched properly, and keeping an eye out for changes in your landscape. Taking these simple steps can prevent your foundation from cracking and breaking and can save you a lot of money in repairs.

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The Easiest Way To Make A Business Website

With the rapid and continual growth of the internet, nearly every existing business has had to create a website in order to survive. For new businesses who are trying to enter into the competitive market, creating a good business website is absolutely essential.

For individuals with little experience with HTML or programming, the idea of building a business website may seem overwhelming. However, with the continuing ease of the internet, many individuals are developing successful websites without a ton of previous experience. Whether you have had your business for several years or you are just barely getting started, here are a few things you can do to easily create a successful business website.

Identify Your Purpose

The first thing to do when creating a website is to identify your purpose or the goal you wish to achieve with your website. Your purpose may encapsulate many different elements, but it is important to have an overriding purpose for the entire website endeavor. Having a central theme or purpose will make your experience much more productive, hopefully giving you the end result that you were hoping to achieve. Try to consider your audience and what you want them to see or feel when they look at your website.

There are many different reasons for creating a business and a website, so try to identify your own personal and business goals. As you consider your purpose, consider the following questions:

* Is your goal to sell online products?

* Do you want people to simply learn about your business or an important cause?

* Are you hoping for a greater number of customers?

Once you have determined the answer to these questions, you can start developing an idea of how you want the information to be presented.

Consider Your Target Audience

As a business, you likely have a certain group or primary audience that you focus on the most. Try to think about your target audience so that you can develop your website to attract them specifically. Often times, this is fairly easy to do. If your primary audience is teenagers, you will probably want to create a more dynamic and energetic website. On the other hand, a conservative adult audience may want something more straightforward.

Build The Website

With your target audience and your overriding purpose in mind, you are ready to start developing your website. For many people, the easiest way to start is to get in touch with a web developer or a website development company. There are many affordable companies and web freelancers that can make the entire process much easier and more effective. However, you probably don't want to turn all the decisions over to them. The more information you can give a web developer regarding your business purpose, your target audience, and what you want your website to look like, the more likely it is that you will end up with a website you like.

Reserve A Domain Name

Either before you start building your business website, or after it has been built, you will need to come up with a good domain name. Take some time to brainstorm because the best idea may not happen right at the beginning. Try to develop a domain name that includes important keywords so that potential customers can more easily come across your website.

With a good website, your business can benefit greatly. If you take the time to consider these important steps, you can easily create a business website that works very well.

The Causes of Website Downtime and How to Mitigate Losses   The Present Programming Trend - Core Java Application Development   What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   

Writing Quality Content About Web Development Interactivity In Portal Forums

Okay so, over the years I've written a number of articles on Internet topics, and to do this I have to do a lot of research. I've read countless books from the best of breed in the industry. Not just those who are actually doing it, but also the research papers from the computer sciences putting forth their philosophical theories and math. One thing that I do not see enough of are articles that help website designers and developers integrate everything. Let's spend a few moments to talk about this.

If you have some background in building websites or web development, there is a specific topic that I can't find a whole lot of information on, although I do recall going to an Internet business seminar in Las Vegas once and one of the symposium breakout sessions had to do with the best ways to manage Internet forums on Internet portal websites. Although I was busy and couldn't attend that particular session because it conflicted with another one, now I wish I had. You see there's a lot to know about the psychology of keeping a community together and preventing cat fights.

Perhaps you've experienced this where you write something on an online Internet forum, and immediately someone comes by and calls you something terrible, rather than discussing the topic or debating the point. When this happens, feelings are hurt, people's reputations' are flamed, and it creates a negative user experience. It causes people to no longer value the website, or wish to participate. This ruins the chances for solid interactivity, building of community, and increasing traffic. Whereas it is true that a little bit of controversy does build traffic, the wrong type of bickering and bantering on Internet forums destroys all that and more.

In fact, it quickly becomes an issue with the brand name of the website, and sometimes people get so upset that they hunt down the Internet forum organizer and start in on them, or start complaining about the other party to them, and demanding that various posts get deleted. That's unfortunate because as soon as you start deleting posts, everyone realizes what's going on, and everyone claims their free speech has being violated. No matter that a portal website does not necessarily guarantee free speech, especially personal attacks.

No matter how much you put in your user agreements that people must get along, they will always push the limits and beg for forgiveness, next thing you know you spend all your time dealing with various personalities and conflicts as they drag you into their drama. There is a right way and wrong way to handle all this, and we need more online quality content and carefully constructed and authored articles to help website developers with these issues.

If you know anything about this topic or you have a degree in psychology, there are plenty of Internet readers who would love to read what you have to say. Please consider all this and think on it.

The Causes of Website Downtime and How to Mitigate Losses   The Present Programming Trend - Core Java Application Development   What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   

What Is Agile Web Development?

If you are new to the industry or have never had anything to do with it before, you will probably not be familiar with the term 'agile web development' or what it means for websites that are created with this in mind. You will also probably be unaware of how agile development can help the website creation process to become more effective and improve communication.

What is agile web development?

The term was coined when a group of developers were in the process of creating some software - they began to observe development teams within other companies and noticed that some of their processes made completing work much easier. Eventually, they compiled all of their observations into a document known as the Agile Manifesto.

What does agile development involve?

Basically, the Agile Manifesto outlined what the industry should be valuing in place of the things that its employees currently value. These include:

Individuals and interactions instead of processes and tools. Working software instead of comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration instead of contract negotiation. Responding to change instead of following a plan.

These developers found that valuing each of the factors on the left hand side made for a much better and smoother process.

To ensure that you are practicing agile web development within your own company, there are twelve theories and techniques that you should ensure you and your employees are following. Delving into each of these theories and techniques, however, is another story altogether - and one we will eventually get to.

The Causes of Website Downtime and How to Mitigate Losses   The Present Programming Trend - Core Java Application Development   What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   

4 Dynamic PHP Frameworks for ECommerce Development

PHP has a long list of open source frameworks that are rich in features and provide plenty of tools to build robust websites. The various PHP frameworks are meant for different purposes. While some frameworks like WordPress and Drupal are considered best for blogs and CMS development, others like CakePHP and Zend are said to be most suitable for website development. Among the several frameworks, there are four of them namely osCommerce, Magento, Zen Cart and X-Cart that are the best ones for eCommerce development. With the help of these four PHP frameworks, it becomes easy for a person to customize his or her own eCommerce site. Let's see how these frameworks help online merchants.

osCommerce With a catalog front-end and an administration tool back-end, this PHP based eCommerce platform provides complete store solutions to the aspiring online merchants. It is extremely easy to install, and because of its easy to use features, it has gained extreme popularity among online merchants. Currently, this framework powers up approximately 228,700 eCommerce sites. If you want extensibility for your site, then around 5800 add-ons are ready to serve you.

Magento Built on an MVC framework, this open source framework furnishes users with different editions that are meant to benefit the users in an optimum way. The three editions consist of different features that have been designed according to the needs of the online merchants, for example, Magento gives Magento Go to the online merchants who have just got started with their online business and needs effective marketing tools. Similarly, it has Magento Enterprise edition and the premium edition for medium and big sized businesses respectively. These editions also have different features that are meant to meet the requirements of the merchants in the best possible way.

Zen Cart Whether it is installation, management or customization, nothing can make all these three as easy as Zen Cart. This platform is said to be the art of eCommerce and serves as the perfect platform to all those online merchants who want a simple, straightforward yet effective framework for their online stores. This platform caters assorted marketing tools to bring and retain customers. It also furnishes the merchants with different online and offline payment options that help the merchants to simplify the purchase systems for their customers. Apart from these features, this framework also has multiple shipping options and multiple currencies along with reports and analytical tools to monitor their store's performance.

X-Cart Wholesale pricing and discount, tracks inventory, integration with Facebook, product variants, usergroups - the list of features doesn't seem to have an end in this distinctive PHP eCommerce framework. Not only does X-Cart include all the necessary tools that are required to build a powerful online store, but also it constantly improves and upgrades its features that are designed according to users' requests. Another remarkable thing about this framework is it has web-based installation wizard, which makes installation easy for the users. Also, it has an extremely easy-to-use web interface that makes it even more popular among the merchants, as well as the customers.

However, in order to get a dynamic, distinctive online store, you need to utilize the provided features of these platforms to the fullest, and for this, you'll certainly require the proficient services of a reputed PHP website development company.

The Causes of Website Downtime and How to Mitigate Losses   The Present Programming Trend - Core Java Application Development   What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   

WordPress - Is It Really Popular?

WordPress is a very popular open source customization software which helps in building various basic websites. It is easy to use blogging application. It is also a very widely used content management system.

WordPress has rich features like a rich plugin architecture, a unique template system and a user-friendly workflow. WP templates come with widgets which allows anyone to customize their web pages without editing either the PHP or HTML code.

WordPress comes with various themes which can be customized accordingly. These themes are simple and at the same time well-designed. Just by installing a theme a blog can be converted into a fully functional running website. A perfect skin must be there which must be worn on the top of the theme and the skin must be designed as per the theme. It also has a link management system.

WordPress is free and easy to download. Moreover users can constantly change the look of the website with constant WP customization. Customization is a process through which one can refurbish and add importance to their website thus increasing traffic to their websites and causing profit to their business.

WordPress is built on server-side scripting language like PHP using MySQL database. The need to customize your website is required to give the site a fresh professional look. Anyone can utilize the WordPress customization features to make your blog complete brand centric.

Apart from increasing the visual and graphical effect to a great deal, WordPress themes will allow to customize your contents to a great deal to make it SEO friendly. Another way of customization is the PSD to WP customization. WordPress customization is easy because it is pre-equipped with the necessary tools to make the customization easy. The best thing about WP customization is that you do not need the help of any professional to incorporate these simple features on your website's web pages. Moreover it will increase the functionality and visibility of your website to a great extend.

One of the most popular WordPress customization techniques is using Random Headers. These are used to change the images of your banners. Visitors will be happy to see brand new images after every refresh.

WordPress customization is mainly done to integrate into your website those features that can attract a huge number of customers. Even if your content is good but your web page looks boring you cannot expect visitors to come to your site. The design of your web page reflects your company's identity and personality.

Undoubtedly, WordPress has emerged as the most popular blogging tool, used by millions and millions of websites. Moreover it is mobile compatible and also social media-friendly that is a WordPress site can be publicized by connecting to different social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr.

The Causes of Website Downtime and How to Mitigate Losses   The Present Programming Trend - Core Java Application Development   What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   

List Building - The Best Places to Find New Subscribers

Most people overlook the fact that they themselves are a great source of new subscribers. As you talk to people about what you do, invite them to take a look at your newest offer or join your list. You may be writing a blog or series of articles. Invite them to take a look. Their personal interaction with you is a often overlooked source of new subscribers.

Do you interact with other people on forums? If you do more than lurk around reading other peoples posts, you have the opportunity to let people know about what you offer. Many forums allow you to include links back to your site, so get in there and make comments or answer question. Then offer a link for them to get more information that leads them to your opt-in.

How about your e-mail signature? Do you place your URL where people can subscribe to your list? With as many e-mails as you might send in a day, there is an often overlooked opportunity for new subscribers. Also, let people know they can forward your e-mail to a friend, this is a strong referral and can often bypass the usual hesitation people have to giving out their information.

Commenting on blogs is similar to forums. Find blogs that are related to what your customer base is interested in and then interact with the moderator and people who comment on the blog.

You can not just lurk around and make this work. Comment on the blog post, comment on other peoples comments. If you can make the experience of the blog more interesting it draws attention to you. Then, when people wonder who you are, they can click on your opt-in link.

You might also get a blog to review your product or service, this opens up your offer to a whole new audience. Or offer to be a guest blogger on someone elses blog. This can help establish you as an expert and build credibility.

There are also several paid sources for traffic that can build your subscriber list. You can advertise in other people's ezines. This may be charged as a monthly cost, price per subscriber or cost per thousand e-mails. If the ezine you choose is tightly related to your offer you may find that this is a good source of targeted subscribers.

As with any source of paid traffic you'll want to test to see if it is effective. This is especially true with web advertising. You develop a pay per click or banner ad that drives people to you list by offering them an incentive. This can get expensive quickly, but can also expose your offer to many people you might not reach through other means.

Offline advertising can work too. Just make sure you are offering them an incentive that can only be obtained by opting into your list.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website   The Truth About List Building Secret   List Building - Using A Press Release   List Building Tips - Social Sites   Build A List Fast: A Guide To Rapid List Building   Places to Add Email Sign-Up Forms to Build Your List   

List Building Using YouTube

Video can be used to attract new clients and customers, or build subscribers for an upcoming campaign. It is also great for introduction to you and your style of business. It can begin building a trust relationship before they ever purchase the first item.

Although YouTube is video, you want to think of it as any other type of sales copy that you would write. Starting with the title of your video. It needs to be treated as a headline. Your video title needs to catch the attention of potential viewers, yet still be related to the content in the video.

Once you have your viewers attention it is a good idea to let them know exactly what they will receive for watching your video. If you have an offer or free gift at the end of the video, mention it at the beginning.

Also, place the link to your squeeze page or web site at the start and end of the video as well as a couple of times during the video. You can place the URL a little way from the top or bottom of the screen, but not directly in the middle, to get more attention.

You want a clear call to action in your video. Are you wanting them to click through to your web site? Take you up on a free offer? Call for a consultation? You have to let the viewer know what you want them to do.

Even though the links in the video itself will not be click-able, You Tube places the description of your video directly below the viewing screen, so you might want to let viewers know that they can click through on the link below or cut and paste it into their browser.

Another bit of advice on your video description, make sure you say everything you can about the video. It could be several hundred words long if you need it to be. The reason you need long video descriptions is that the bots or spiders have no way to search the video itself, but they can crawl the description. So include important and relevant words in your description as well as your URL.

Lastly a little about keywords. The more relevant key words the better. Use several single keywords or a keyword phrases. YouTube looks for videos with similar keywords to put in the list of suggested videos. So yours could come up as a related video, even if they were not searching for you in the first place.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website   The Truth About List Building Secret   List Building - Using A Press Release   List Building Tips - Social Sites   

How to Build a List Online for Beginners

One thing that people new to internet marketing underestimate is the importance of building their own mailing list. Even established website owners often fail to build their own list, which means they are missing out on a golden opportunity to monetize traffic and establish a relationship with their visitors. This is so important, that I am going to get straight to the point. In my opinion building your own list is the number one thing you should do if you want to be successful online.

Think about things you currently buy or get to know about online. Chances are that a percentage of the purchases you already make are as a result of reading about that product in an email. If you currently subscribe to any newsletters that provide useful content, I wouldn't mind betting that you are more likely to read those emails than others you may receive.

Building your own list is vitally important if you have a product to sell online or market products as an affiliate. It's also the number one way to connect with your target audience that has expressed an interest in receiving communication from you about the niche or topic they are interested in.

In order to build a list you need to have a website that offers something of value. In return for this, your visitor will provide you with their email address and join your list if interested. Think of this website as a simple landing page that outlines an offer and a place for the visitor to enter their details in order to join your list. It's nothing more technical or complicated than that, although there are more things you will need which I am going to outline in this article.

You will also need to sign up for an autoresponder account in order to deliver messages to your subscribers and build a relationship with prospects and customers. Once you have these things in place, the emails you send out to your list must be relevant and useful to ensure that you maintain good open rates and to strengthen the relationship over time with those that stay on your list. Providing you send out good information, the people on your list will look forward to receiving your mails.

Lastly, you are going to need a web-hosting account so that you have server space to upload your landing page. I recommend starting out with a shared hosting account that won't break the bank in terms of ongoing monthly investment.

Building a list requires a degree of patience and persistence as you will not build a sizeable list in a matter of days. Over time though, your list will increase in size and you will develop a good relationship with your subscribers. By building the right kind of list in your niche, you are also building a business with solid foundations in place that are not at the mercy of things like search engine algorithm changes. You will be able to connect with the people on your list in a matter of minutes and provide them with what they need.

As you get to know your list, you will have your finger on the pulse of what your market wants and also how you can best serve the people who actively read your mails and follow you. Do not be tempted to take shortcuts when building a list, because that could result in you having to start all over again from scratch. Stick to solid list building principles by setting up your own landing page, using a well-known autoresponder service, providing relevant content and working towards establishing a good relationship with visitors that join your list.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website   The Truth About List Building Secret   List Building - Using A Press Release   List Building Tips - Social Sites   Places to Add Email Sign-Up Forms to Build Your List   

6 Ways of an Effective List Building

To the majority of Internet Marketers, List Building is a major challenging task to embark, let alone to complete. One should take note that it is basically the result of an effective campaign on website traffic generation.

It can be complicated at times and will drive newcomers to desperation due to some technical difficulties link with it.

As most of us Internet Marketers know (if not all), there are various sources of website traffic that we can tap-in to build our list. But it is worth noting, that not all traffic sources will be equally good in terms of the quantity and quality.

Here are some ways on how to build your list effectively;

1. Identify your niche

You can not build a list effectively if you can not identify your business niche! So, like any other business, you have to make a decision on what kind of business you will be in for. Once you have identified your niche, then your list building will be targeting those visitors in that particular niche that you have selected.

2. Create a Squeeze Page

Assuming you already have your domain name bought and ready, now here comes the technical part... creating a "Squeeze Page"! You have an option to this on your own or pay somebody to do it for you. Either way, you need to get it done. At this point, an email Auto-responder is necessary to handle the automation portion in sending the needed email messages and capturing the prospect's relevant information (typically First Name & Email address). Such auto-responder must be integrated into your Squeeze Page.

3. Populate the internet with your website

You have something to offer to the community of Internet users? Then you've got to show it to them! How... is normally the typical question that follows. To do this, you have to know the places in the internet to broadcast your website. In here, you have an option to do this on your own for free or pay somebody to do it for you. Whichever method that suits you, by all means, go for it. This is the moment you are waiting for. To go to the ocean and catch some fish!

4. Give something to get something

It's a fair business dealings. You give something and get something in return. In today's age, your website visitors will not readily give you what you want from them, their First Name and Email Address. In order for you to get what you want from them, you have to give something for them to be excited for... a free Gift! In most cases, this could be in the form of digital products for ease and faster delivery. If most Internet Marketers are doing this, you should be doing it too!

5. Monitor Sources of Traffic

Now its analysis time. It is important to know the sources of your traffic, be it social media websites, generic search results from Search Engines, referral traffic and so on. This is an important information for future use... audience targeting! So you need to take some time to look at your traffic sources.

6. Take care of your list members

It takes a lot of resources to find new customers, than maintaining the current ones you have. Therefore, make sure you take care of your list members and give them want they want, solve their problem, give them occasional free items, etc., so that they will stick with you. If you don't take care of them, why they should stick with you? Simple logic, as it is.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website   The Truth About List Building Secret   List Building - Using A Press Release   List Building Tips - Social Sites   Build A List Fast: A Guide To Rapid List Building   

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